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SHEKEL's vision is to develop community services for every person with a disability in order to enable independent activity at home, in the workplace, and during the person's free time and social events. Services are provided at the highest level while accommodating the person's individual needs and interests. SHEKEL provides participants with dignity, self-fulfillment and inclusion in the general community as equal members of society.

Among its multiple programs, SHEKEL operates two Therapeutic Centres (in Jerusalem and Beersheva) for addressing and treating sexual, emotional and physical trauma for people with disabilities.

Policy Overview

SHEKEL functions under Israel's Laws and Regulations for Non-Profits, and complies with the stipulations of the Authority for Advancement of the Status of Women and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment, which obligate non-profits to educate, prevent, and report sexual harassment in the workplace. SHEKEL's Safeguarding Policy is geared to safely advance and preserve the individual's health, rights, and welfare- effectively enabling them to live like all other citizens without being harmed or abused. Ensuring this safe environment in the individual's daily life within the community is achieved via professional guidance, mediation and education, promoting independent living in a manner that prevents exposure to dangerous situations as much as possible.

SHEKEL's Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring compliance with these requirements, and the organization works in accordance with Quality Assurance ISO 9001 specifications.

Reporting Procedures

Every participant at SHEKEL has a personal file, which includes reports on managing the person's exposure to dangerous situations. Staff meetings are held on a weekly basis, which include discussion on any unusual situations. A computerized database gathers all unusual events and referrals.

SHEKEL requires staff and the people in the participant's environment to duly report any signs of abuse to the Regional Director/Social Worker/Head Nurse in order to diminish the danger of continued abuse while treating the participant with effective therapy. The police are also informed as required.

The CEO follows up on reports on all unusual events, directly receiving updates from SHEKEL's Vice CEO and professional staff. Once a year, as the Annual Report is published, the CEO reviews the topic with each Program Director.

Staff Instruction

All Regional Directors have at least ten years' experience working with people with disabilities and have undergone advanced training via seminars and guidance from social workers, psychologists, and special education instructors, including background in the legal realm.

Every SHEKEL employee receives initial guidance on the subject from the organization's Manpower Department, and participates in an "orientation day" providing familiarity with the organization, its policies, and its key figures. They also undergo advanced professional instruction on the topic once a year.

All the aforementioned procedures stem from SHEKEL's principles of individual empowerment, prevention, safety, preservation, cooperation and transparency, and are reviewed and communicated by SHEKEL's Director of Professional Development.

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