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In times of war and national crisis, people with disabilities are among the most vulnerable sectors of community.   In times of war and national crisis, people with disabilities are among the most vulnerable sectors of community.

SHEKEL has now mobilized in full emergency mode to assist thousands of people with disabilities throughout Israel, who are now living in imminent physical danger and immense emotional distress. Immediately following October 7,  SHEKEL launched a nationwide Emergency Call Center, manned by professionals from our SHEKEL therapeutic centers, as an emergency measure to provide immediate therapeutic guidance and counseling for adults and children with disabilities traumatized by war, and their families. It can be reached by phone at: 055-7048094 or http://bit.ly/3rMUeZC Call Center staff are also being sent to give in-person support to evacuated families with disabilities, in the south.

SHEKEL has dramatically increased staff to ensure security and provide caring support for SHEKEL apartment residents living in the south and central regions, including those evacuated from the Gaza perimeter, who are now exposed to relentless sirens and rocket bombardments on a daily basis. In apartments for people with severe disabilities who are not mobile, staff have less than a minute to move them into safe areas during sirens. As routine is crucial to the wellbeing of people with disabilities especially in times of great stress, SHEKEL has gone to great lengths to keep the vast majority of its programs and facilities open, adapting employment and vocational rehabilitation programs as well as day centers, leisure, and enrichment programs, to wartime needs and reality.   In this time of war, SHEKEL is focused on providing safe nurturing environments for people with disabilities from all sectors of the community, throughout the country.

Assisted community housing

SHEKEL’s community housing program constitutes Israel's most extensive community housing network for people with disabilities. Operating a broad range of housing options, that span more than 150 housing units, SHEKEL’s ‘living as part of the community’ housing program, serves over 500 residents with wide-ranging needs and abilities, from all sectors of Israeli society, including religious and secular Jews and Arabs.

All SHEKEL apartments are well maintained and located in the heart of the general community, in local Jerusalem neighbourhoods, both Jewish and Arab, in Israel’s central region and on kibbutzim. SHEKEL stresses inclusion and connection with the local community at all levels, including contact with neighbours and the local surroundings. Emphasis is put on quality of life, which includes provision of private space for each resident. Each SHEKEL apartment comprises a true home for its residents and all apartments are appropriately decorated as warm and welcoming homes.  While most SHEKEL apartments are home to small groups of residents, SHEKEL also provides housing for couples and singles who live alone.  

SHEKEL's community housing reflects SHEKEL’s resolute vision for inclusion within the general community and goes to great lengths to develop individual programs and conditions that allow for maximum personal growth and development. Parents of residents are full partners to the program and care provided and form an integral part of the SHEKEL family.

Supported independent living

As part of SHEKEL’s broad housing continuum, ‘supported housing’ is specially designed for people who wish to lead totally independent lives. The program includes ongoing supportive professional guidance and provides residents with the tools and life skills necessary for independent living.   

Locations of SHEKEL's Activities

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